Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pacific Science Center

Where the Boeing IMAX theater is. Got there only to find out Beowulf tickets were sold out. Oh well...

Pacific Science Center


Shaun said...

Beowulf was pretty good, if you can get past the uncanny valley with the animation. Still probably the most detailed I've seen... and Angelina Jolie looks good no matter what ;-)

Bet that would rock on the IMAX!

Tom said...

Yeah I got to see the movie the next day. The 3D was awesome on the huge screen in IMAX.

Sadly, the context of Beowulf was changed from its original story. I read the book before and it pissed me off that most of what I saw on the movie is different from the book :). Oh well I guess it's a typical Hollywood thing.

Shaun said...

Hehe, I could definitely tell the parts intended for 3D in the regular theater.

It was all about the eye candy, indeed. Hollywood has no respect for literature, as long as they know they'll make a buck off it.

Its why books are still popular, which works for me!