Sunday, June 04, 2006

Some Fun Facts

Here are some world facts you might not know of. If you already know these, Bravo! (These facts are valid for now. They may change in the future)

Did you know that...?

  • The United States is the largest consumer of oil and consumes over 25% of the world's oil! (Yes I'm one of those oil consumers, guilty as charged) Hey just look at President Bush, he even owns an oil company.

  • Canada is the largest oil importer for the US. (Yeah I used to think it's Saudi Arabia) Makes me think why hasn't the US invaded Canada for oil :)

  • The highest altitude city in the world is La Paz, Bolivia, 16,730 feet above sea level.

  • Portuguese, not Spanish, is the most spoken language in South America. (I think you can figure out why)

  • Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa.

  • Indonesia is the largest Muslim populated country in the world.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Canada is the largest to the US. Saudi Arabia isn't near the top in that regard. People just focus on Saudi because of the bias in the media against the country. Canada hasn't been invaded because its mellifluous supply is not threatened.

China's oil consumption is growing at a frightening pace. It will soon be the largest oil consumer in the world.

Anonymous said...

In Lapaz Oxygen is rare. So people have a high concentration of red cells in their blood in order to capt as much Oxygen as possible.