Across the graceful dusky horizon
Waves are calm, birds are returning to their nests
The night is reclaiming the mountains and ocean
Mother nature seems to be at rest
The transition cycle is beginning
Shimmering water reflects the golden sky
As a farewell to the tranquil evening
She proudly appears in bright orange to say good-bye...
Beautifully written!
I like reading people's poem but have no talent of my own, the paper scribbled on always ended up in the bin.. :)
Thank you Thyda. I believe anybody can write a poem. Try not to let your critical side rule your creativity :). Plus you write a poem mainly for yourself for your own expression. So don't throw away your scribbles. I don't know how others think of my poem, but it doesn't really matter because I like it :).
But I'm glad that you like it too.
Thanks for the tip Tom :) I'll show it off if I ever manage to churn out one :) j/k
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